Mass Times
Sunday 10:00 am
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 5:30 p.m. Vespers at 5:00 p.m.
(No Mass on Monday)
Every Saturday 3:00-4:00pm
Office Hours
8:30 am to 4:30 Monday-Thursday
8:30 am to noon-Friday
Patrick Valentino
Music Director
Photo Albums
Events This Week
Octoberfest is Saturday, October 26 from 5-11 p.m. Raffle tickets are $10 each and will offer a 50/50 split. 5000 tickets are available so potential winnings could be up to $25,000. However, as of October 8, we have only sold 550 tickets. Please buy and sell these tickets! Tickets are available to buy and sell in the parish office or at the back of church this weekend. Sold raffle tickets with cash/checks can be dropped off in the parish office, in school, or in the collection basket at the weekend masses.
We are also collecting gift cards valued $10 or more for the Gift Card Booth at the Octoberfest. These can be dropped off at the parish office, in school, or in the collection basket at the weekend masses. Please make sure the amount of the card is visible on the card itself or on the envelope.
Moms in Need collecting gift cards and diapers for the mom our parish is helping. These can also be dropped off in our collection or in the parish office. Please mark as Walking with Moms in Need.