
Baptisms for Children under 7

Baptisms at St. Francis of Assisi are held on the last weekend of each month (no baptisms during Advent or Lent) at the Saturday and Sunday Masses. Both parents and godparents are required to complete baptismal prep classes. For more information, or to register your child, please contact the parish office at 502-456-6394 or email Debra Renauer by clicking here.

Baptisms for Children 7+

Parish membership and baptismal preparation class requirements apply (see the baptism requirements link below).Please contact Jo Ann Jones, our Director of Faith Formation, at 502-456-6394, ext 140 or email by clicking here.

RCIA (Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults)

For adults joining the faith, instruction concerning this Sacrament can be arranged through the RCIA (Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults) program.This sacrament is for initiating new members into the Catholic Christian community. RCIA is held annually beginning in the fall. Liturgical rites mark each transition period and culminate with the catechumens/candidates celebrating the Sacrament of Initation over the Easter weekend. Please call the rectory (502-456-6394) or email a request by clicking here for more information.