
Formation Committee Ministries


Children's Faith Formation

Addresses the catechetical needs of our elementary children.

RCIA Catechists, Sponsors and Team

Help in initiating new members into the Catholic Christian Community.

Baptism Preparation

Share Christian parenting ideas with the parents of children who are baptized.

Catholics at the Capital

Catholics gather in Frankfort to engage in shaping a society that respects human life.

Marriage Preparation

Provides engaged couples with an understanding of the meaning of a marriage.

Sacramental Preparation

Prepares children for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation.

Women's Book Discussion

Meet to discuss personal insights on the relevant materials from the chosen book. 

World Day of Prayer

A day when women gather to focus on the plight of women in underdeveloped countries.

Vocation Awareness for Youth and Discernment for Religious Life

Promotes the Dinner with the Archbishop and other events that help our members to discover their true vocation.

Scouts and Brownies

Join the Brownies, Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts, or be an adult leader.

Help with School Activities

Assist in the classroom or help in the library.


Provide assistance to SFA students after school or in summer.

Speaker in School

Share information about your personal interests, talents or expertise.

School Board

Be a part of our school and its continued success by serving on the board.

Why Catholic

Assist with group meetings discussing the popular Why Catholic program.

Catholicism Series

DVD series and meetings to further explore our Catholic Faith.

Young Adult and Young Parent

This group is primarily for adults aged 21–39 and their children. Our hope is to bring together parishioners and their families for social, service, and formation activities. For more information, please join us on Facebook.


Interested in getting involved? Let us know!

Click here to download our Stewardship Form. You can mail it to the office, email it to Debra, or drop it in the Sunday collection.

Click Here to contact the Formation Committee