
Worship Committee Ministries

Altar Servers

Assist the priest during Mass and other church services. Open to grades 5 and up, including adults.


Celebrating and refreshing the faith of God's people by reading God's Word.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Assist in the distribution of Holy Communion.


The Schola of St. Clare (for adults) and the St. Francis Treble Choir (for students in grades 4 through 8).

Ministers of Hospitality

Welcome people into the church, serve as ushers and provide general assistance.

Arts and Environment

Assist with the visual and tactile aspects of worship.

Church Cleaners

Commit to helping prepare for Masses by cleaning the church space.


Assume the responsibility for ensuring that each Liturgy takes place in a space carefully prepared to reflect the importance of the relationship between the worshipping community and the appearance of where they pray.


Interested in getting involved? Let us know!

Click here to download our Stewardship Form. You can mail it to the office, email it to Debra, or drop it in the Sunday collection.

Click here to contact the Worship Committee.