Service Committees
Outreach and Social Concerns
CLOUT (Citizens of Louisville Organized and United Together)
Help with our participation in this city-wide ecumenical organization that seeks to address social needs in the local community.
Ecological Stewardship
Join in seeking a deeper reverence and respect for God's creation and engage in activities aimed at dealing with environmental issues.
Whitley City
Help make a difference in folks' lives in Eastern Kentucky.
HCM (Highlands Community Ministries)
Enjoy the opportunity for our parish to share our resources in providing gifts for those in our community who are unable to do so.
Respect for Life
Support pro-life causes from conception to death.
Saint John's
Help determine needs, arrange donation receipts and take to St. John's after Sunday Mass.
Parish and Community Life
Coordinate refreshments for various parish events and welcome new members to the parish.
Visit those in hospitals, nursing homes or who are confined in their homes.
Eucharist to the Homebound
Take the Eucharist to those in the hospital, nursing homes or in their homes.
Mary and Martha (Grief Ministry)
Prepare food for families who have lost a loved one.
Prayer Tree
Recognizing the power of prayer and that our service flows out of and into prayer, parishioners are invited to pray for the intentions and needs of others in our faith community, the Parish, the Universal Church and for the world.
Parish Nurses
Check blood pressures after select Masses.
Booster Club
Coach, coordinate and/or assist with activities sponsored by the Booster Club.
Faith Club
Coordinates activities for and supports the mentally challenged.
Interested in getting involved? Let us know!
Click here to download our Stewardship Form.
(You can email, mail, drop by church office or place in the collection basket at Mass.)
Click here to contact the Service Committee.